One of our Area Managers, Ashley, has just completed an apprenticeship for an Operations and Departmental Manager Level 5, along with other Area Managers Neil and Matt. Well done guys! Ashley had this to say to everyone about her apprenticeship and how you can all get involved.
“Hi Amber family, I’ve just finished my apprenticeship journey and wanted to tell everyone how great it was and to encourage you all to get involved. It was done through HIT training who work with all our Trainee Operators and really helps expand your skills and knowledge. They offer a team member apprenticeship, a supervisor apprenticeship and a manager one so it can suit you and all of your staff. It is partially government funded so it really doesn’t cost you a lot! A lot of it is hands-on learning so you can incorporate some of your learning while you’re working, so it really doesn’t feel much different! You get your own tutor who helps you along the whole way and gives you support where you need it. My trainer Andy was great and really helped encourage me and go over things if I struggled. They only put you forward for your assessments when they are confident you will pass and I did, with a distinction! I’m really chuffed and feel like it’s made me better at my job, so why not give it a try? Email your Area Manager if you’re interested and they can get you in touch with HIT training for you or your staff. Really helpful if you have someone who you want to train up as your assistant or as a future Operator for Amber!’