Kildale Topco Limited Group Modern Slavery Act Statement

The UK Modern Slavery Act requires large commercial organisations operating in the UK to publish a slavery and human trafficking statement. This statement constitutes Kildale Topco Limited’s group slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ended 4th February 2024.

About Kildale Topco Limited’s structure and business

Kildale Topco Limited is the ultimate parent of the group whose trading subsidiary Amber Taverns Limited operates in the wet led pub sector. As at 4th February 2024 all 45 employees of the group were employed by Amber Taverns Limited with 21 people office based in Blackpool and Preston, the remainder field based and home workers within the UK.

As at 4th February 2024 Amber Taverns operated 171 pubs geographically spread throughout the midlands, north east, north west of England and north and south Wales. Turnover is derived primarily from bar sales and secondly from gaming machines.

Amber Taverns pubs operate via an Operator Agreement whereby a contract is awarded to a limited company to provide a management service at each pub. Each limited company employs its own team to assist it in the running of the pub. The operators are also supported by an Amber Taverns area manager whose role is to assist in the development of the business and provide 24/7 support to the operator as needed and to observe that the pub is being run in accordance with all the group’s policies and procedures. The operator agreement 4.14 refers to the operator company complying with all anti-slavery and modern trafficking laws and this modern slavery statement.

Our commitment and policies

Kildale Topco Limited and its subsidiaries are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in its supply chains or any part of its business and operates a zero-tolerance policy in this regard.

Our supply chain and due diligence

Kildale Topco recognises the importance of the Modern Slavery Act as a tool in combating the widespread human rights abuses comprised in modern slavery and regularly reviews its supplier relationships and aims to identify any association which could be impacted by slavery or trafficking within the supply chain.

Our large key suppliers already provide statements within their own businesses and we refer to the explicit clauses in our operator agreement which captures the groups zero-tolerance approach. Part of the area manager role is to observe and ensure all aspects of the operator agreement are being fulfilled by each operator company.

All new supplier contracts are signed off by a Director and new Operator Agreements are all signed by Area or Regional Managers.

We consider the risk of modern slavery taking place in our supply chain to be low. We do however recognise the importance of combatting slavery and human trafficking and the duty to tackle these issues.

Employees and Training

Employees with recruitment and supplier appointment responsibilities receive training which covers a range of compliance matters, which includes their obligations under the Modern Slavery Act. We have a whistleblowing policy under which all staff can report any concerns. Outside of our employee and operator training, we do not have any specific policy or training on slavery or human trafficking. We are continually improving our ways of working and will continue to develop training of staff members to ensure that they understand the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking and the ways they could reach into our Group.


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